Content and image courtesy of NDSU Extension
North Dakota State University Extension and University of Minnesota Extension will be conducting an Advanced Crop Advisers Workshop on Feb. 11-12, at the Holiday Inn in Fargo.
“This annual workshop is designed to provide in-depth discussion on topics to help agricultural professionals enhance their crop production recommendations for farmers,” says Greg Endres, NDSU Extension cropping systems specialist at the Carrington Research Extension Center and workshop co-chair.
Educational sessions on Feb. 11 are:
- Review of trade/tariff issues and their impact on agriculture
- Plowing new ground: Understanding and responding to rural stress concerns
- What the wheat?!
- When the growing season ends before the corn crop is mature
- Development of management zones and the use of active/passive sensors in crop and crop nutrient site-specific management
- Dr. Goos’ greatest hits
- A conversation about the realities of farm stress and health
Feb. 12 educational sessions are:
- Top 5 ways to cut farm expenses in challenging times
- Is there a better soil health test than a shovel: N fate with cover crops
- 2019 insect invasion
- White-out (Sclerotinia) and soybean stem disease
During lunch on Feb. 12, the North Dakota certified crop adviser (CCA) of the year will be recognized.
Preregistration is required by Feb. 3. The workshop fee is $140, or $100 if attending only one day. The fee includes meals, refreshment breaks and reference materials.
The workshop is limited to 150 people. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come basis. Walk-in registrations during the workshop will not be accepted.
CCAs will have the opportunity to receive nine continuing education units.
Visit https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/CarringtonREC/events/advanced-crop-advisers-workshop for a brochure with workshop details, including a registration form. To preregister and pay online, visit http://www.tinyurl.com/CRECstore.
For more information, contact Greg Endres at 701-652-2951, or Angie Peltier, University of Minnesota Extension in Crookston, at 218-281-8692.