Image and content courtesy of NDSU Extension
The 50th annual Sugarbeet Research Reporting Session will be held on Jan. 14 at the Holiday Inn in Fargo starting at 7:45 a.m.
Researchers and Extension specialists from North Dakota State University, the University of Minnesota and the U.S. Department of Agriculture will provide updates on current sugar beet research.
Researchers will address methods for controlling insects, diseases and weeds; strategies for managing glyphosate-resistant weeds; and pathogens that develop resistance to fungicides or overcome host resistance.
“Each year the Sugarbeet Research and Education Board of Minnesota and North Dakota (SBREB) provides generous funding to support sugar beet research and Extension education programming for area sugar beet growers,” says Mohamed Khan, NDSU and University of Minnesota Extension sugar beet specialist. “This session allows researchers to discuss their findings with growers looking for the latest information.”
Khan has invited former Extension sugar beet specialists Gerald H. Smith, Allan Cattanach and Alan Dexter to serve as session moderators. Former and current members of the SBREB, sugar beet researchers and educators will be recognized at the event.
Registration is not required and the event is open to everyone interested in sugar beet research.
Lunch will be provided by the Sumitomo Corporation.
Continuing education credits will be available for certified crop advisers.
For more information contact Mohamed Khan, at 701-231-8596 or mohamed.khan@ndsu.edu.