
Wimbledon Community Grocery Store Manager Steve Guscette (left) and Wimbledon Community Grocery Board President Mike Clemens

WIMBLEDON, N.D. (Wimbledon Newsletter) – The Wimbledon Community Grocery & Café continues to serve Wimbledon and its neighboring communities.

Closing the business was averted when Steve Guscette accepted the manager position.

His wife Cassie will also participate in running the business. The couple are the entrepreneurs who created several apartments and a Wellness Center in the former Wimbledon-Courtenay School.

The Wimbledon Community Grocery will continue to operate as a non-profit overseen by a board. Both Steve and Cassie are now members of the Board; Steve is treasurer and Cassie is secretary. Mike Clemens continues as board president.

Carol Peterson resigned from the board, effective at the end of December. Linda Grotberg has also resigned, effective the end of January. Tyler Schlecht will join the board as vice-president.

One of Steve Guscette’s first objectives was to expand the hours the store was open, most notably with a Sunday afternoon opening and staying open much later on Saturdays.

Meal specials will be added to the soup & sandwich menu most days, and the grill will be running more days in the future. Steve also hopes to start a Sunday brunch in the future on weekends without pancake or baked potato fundraisers.

The grocery is open 6 am to 8 pm Monday through Saturday and 12 noon to 4 pm on Sundays.