Hannah and Stephen Roise welcomed their newest addition, Izetta Renee Roise, to their family on Jan. 2 at Jamestown Regional Medical Center. Photo: JRMC
By Ally Kndutson
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JRMC) – Born into a musical family, one baby was already showing off her powerful voice.
Izetta Renee Roise sang a song of hunger on Jan. 2 – the day of her birth.
Born at 12:41 a.m., she is the first baby of the new year born at Jamestown Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 lbs., 10 ounces and has dark hair and “probably” blue eyes, her mom said.
Izetta’s parents, Stephen and Hannah Roise, welcome her to their Kulm home, along with little brother, Oliver age 2.
Stephen and Hannah married in 2016 and moved to Kulm, N.D., soon after. The couple farms alongside her dad, Bruce Kusler.
With the long drive and the pending blizzard, the couple rented a hotel room in Jamestown to be nearer the hospital. Hannah’s due date was Dec. 29.
“We weren’t going to take any chances,” Stephen said.
Once the storm ended on Dec. 31, the couple headed home. It felt like they had just arrived when Izetta was ready to return.
The baby’s arrival – like her brother’s – was fast and furious. Though she would have accepted, Hannah did not receive an epidural for either birth.
“She came quickly like her brother,” Hannah said, saying there just wasn’t enough time for the pain medication.
Izetta, an old English name meaning “renowned for beauty,” is also one of Hannah’s middle names. The couple said they hope Izetta is known not only for her external beauty, but also for her beauty inside and out. As their children grow, Hannah and Stephen say they hope their children learn to love music and travel.
The couple met through a mutual friend and a mutual interest in mission work in Uganda.
“Someday soon, I hope to take both of these munchkins to visit that land,” Hannah said.
The Roises say they appreciate the care of JRMC, especially the “peaceful presence” of Dr. Glenn Wiens, Essentia; and JRMC Registered Nurse Deb Thingstad.
Izetta is the first of about 350 babies born at JRMC each year.
To learn more about Family BirthPlace or delivering at JRMC, visit www.jrmcnd.com/mom