The National Milk Producers Federation Tuesday unveiled a redesigned website for the REAL® Seal, The website seeks to help consumers avoid marketplace confusion regarding real dairy products and imitators. This is the first significant change in the online presence for the REAL Seal since NMPF first assumed management of the seal in 2012. The new website will contain more content to educate consumers about why they should look for the seal on foods they buy, while also continuing to help those companies using the seal to enhance their product marketing. Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of NMPF, says the website redesign comes as NMPF “continues to battle the misuse of dairy terms by plant-based products.” The new website both educates consumers about how real dairy foods compare to imitators, and explains how the REAL Seal program delineates which brands can use the seal. The REAL Guide component of the website helps shoppers find certified brands and products displaying the seal.