OAKES, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Two straight home duels that the Oakes Tornadoes had to deal with one of the toughest teams in the state. Last week it was Lisbon. This week was South Border as the Mustangs defeated Oakes 64-9 Thursday night.
The lone winner on the mat for Oakes was Hunter Greenmyer earning a 6-2 decision. Jayden Hankel won via forfeit for the two Oakes wins on the night.
Here’s a look at the complete results:
106-Tristan Lepp (SB) def. Grant Wagner (MD 10-0)
113-Charles Herr (SB) def. Cody Meehl (Fall 3:43)
120- Jace Nitschke (SB) def. Jaron Awender (Fall 1:00)
126- Matthew Wolf (SB) def. Jacob Kadoun (Fall 0:01)
132- Grant Schneider (SB) def. Blaine Wald (Fall 1:48)
145- Jon Shockley (SB) def. John German (Fall 1:45)
152- Mark Jochim (SB) def. Josh Meehl (Fall 1:02)
160- Lucien Peterson (SB) def. Ryan Hermes (Dec. 3-0)
170- Jake Herr (SB) def. Joe Schaefer (Fall 1:25)
182- Ashton Peterson (SB) def. Marc Seyer (DQ)
195- Nathan Schauer (SB) def. Gabe Quandt (Dec 5-3)
220- Hunter Greenmyer (OAK) def. Huner Wolf (Dec. 6-2)
285- Jayden Hankel (OAK) wins via forfeit
Oakes heads to Faulkton, South Dakota this Saturday for their first tournament of the year. The tournament beings at 10 AM.