High school students preparing for college and undergraduates majoring in agriculture should consider applying for NDFB scholarships.
NDFB will be awarding $1,000 scholarships. The scholarships include one for students pursuing an agriculture major, students currently enrolled in an agriculture college, a Farm Bureau family member scholarship, and the Becki Palmer Scholarship for all high school seniors whose parents are members.
“We hope the range of scholarships will help students in various stages of their lives to receive a college education,” said NDFB Director of Organizational Development, Joey Bailey.
Last year eight students were awarded scholarships.
The scholarships are made possible through generous contributions made to the NDFB Foundation. Most of the funds for this year’s scholarships were generated by a successful live auction at the NDFB Night Out with the Foundation, where over $10,000 was raised.
Scholarship applications are available on the Promotion and Education scholarship page at www.ndfb.org/edusafe/scholarships. The applications are due no later than March 15, 2020. Applications must be emailed by 11:59 p.m., March 15.
To donate to the scholarship fund, please send your tax-deductible contribution to the NDFB Foundation, PO Box 2064, Fargo, N.D. 58107. Please indicate you would like your gift to go to the scholarship fund.
NDFB is the most effective general farm and ranch organization in the state of North Dakota, with more than 27,000 member families and 50 organized county Farm Bureaus.