JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Anne Carlsen Center is a non-profit that has provided individuals with development disabilities or delays with their services and support.
They’ll soon be celebrating 10 years for one of their newest services; In-home early intervention.
Early Interventionist Courtney Montgomery.
Montgomery says they work with numerous other professionals including occupational therapists, speech therapists, early childhood special educators and others. She says they provide services based on the child’s needs.
Montgomery says before a child reaches the age of 3, they hold a consultation meeting with the parents or caregivers to see if they would like to continue working with the Anne Carlsen Center in their other service areas.
Montgomery says they will also provide free in-home evaluations if it’s requested to those who may need it.
If you want a free evaluation or have questions about early intervention from the Anne Carlsen Center, call 701-952-3500 or visit annecarlsen.org.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Courtney Montgomery below: