VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Tis the season for the 4th Annual Valley City Public Schools “Red Kettle” Challenge. Each year the Jefferson, Washington, Junior High, and Senior High Schools enter into a friendly challenge to see which school can collect the most money in their kettle for the Salvation Army.
This year, students and staff will be ringing the bell December 9th and 10th at Leever’s North and South from 10am-2:00pm. You are encourage to pick out the school that you would like to support for this challenge and make sure that you stop by the Leever’s location on either of those days and times.
Superintendent Josh Johnson said, if for some reason you wish to support the school’s efforts, but are unable to put money into the kettle during the day/times provided, please feel free to contact the district office at 701-845-0483 and we can make arrangements to make sure that your donation goes to the designated school. We will stop collecting donations at the school for the Salvation Army on Tuesday, December 10th at 4:00pm and plan to announce the winning school on Wednesday, December 11th.
Barnes County Salvation Army bell ringing sites are located at Leevers North & South and at Petro Serve U.S.A. in Valley City.