JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NDDOT) – Beginning December 13 until January 31, law enforcement across the state will have extra patrols to remove impaired drivers from the road as part of the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.
The holiday season is known for bringing family and friends together for celebrations, and with it the temptation to drive impaired. Alcohol and drug-related motor vehicle crashes, fatalities, and arrests for DUI are 100% preventable – no matter the season. Drivers should always take personal responsibility by driving sober, designating a sober driver, or using a ride-hailing service.
Preliminary data in 2019 shows nearly 43% of North Dakota motor vehicle fatalities involved alcohol, a 10% increase from the same time period in 2018.
“Plan to have a sober ride home by asking a sober friend, downloading a ride-hailing app, or having the local cab company number. There is no excuse for driving impaired,” says Jamestown Police Chief Scott Edinger.
This campaign is part of the Vision Zero strategy to eliminate motor vehicle crash fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads.
Visit the North Dakota Crash Memorial Wall to view memorials built on the hope of preventing another death on North Dakota roads.