The Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service will conduct the 2019 Census of Horticultural Specialties this winter. USDA says the report will provide a comprehensive picture of the U.S. horticulture industry. Survey codes will be mailed this month to more than 40,000 horticulture producers to respond online. Collected just once every five years, the Census of Horticultural Specialties is the only source of detailed production and sales data for U.S. floriculture, nursery, and specialty crop industries, including greenhouse food crops. NASS Administrator Hubert Hamer (hay-mer) says, “Responding to this census is the best way for growers to help associations, businesses, and policymakers advocate for their industry.” The 2019 Census of Horticultural Specialties results will expand the 2017 Census of Agriculture data with information on horticultural crop production, value of products, square footage used for growing crops, production expenses, and more. The deadline for response is February 5, 2020. Results will be available December 2020. For more information about the 2019 Census of Horticultural Specialties, visit www.nass.usda.gov.