JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Almost a year later, the University of Jamestown continues to utilize their SmartLab to provide cutting edge tools for future educators.
The SmartLab allows students to apply technology to different projects ranging from history to math, even using video games as a learning tool.
Dr. LeAnn Nelson is the Teacher Education Department Chair.
Dr. Nelson says the SmartLab also encourages communication, collaboration, and more next generation skills.
The $100,000 lab serves grades K-12 and future educators can use the SmartLab to develop different courses and teaching methods with technology that students can better understand.
Dr. Nelson says younger students are fascinated with the video game Minecraft. She pointed out that with the SmartLab, University students were coming together to create a curriculum around the popular franchise.
Dr. Nelson says students will come up with a different component of Minecraft. She says elementary teachers came up with a barnyard theme for the 3rd graders. English teachers will create a journaling portion, math teachers are creating lessons on perimeter and area, and history teachers are using North Dakota history through the game.
Moving forward, Dr. Nelson says their Instructional Media and Technology course will become a required course in the Teacher Education Department. She says educators will become certified so they will have skills when they enter the teaching world.
Dr. Nelson says they’re constantly looking for community and school partners to use the SmartLab and make it an available resource.
You can listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Dr. LeAnn Nelson below: