JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Stutsman County Auditor Nicole Meland presented more information to the commission on closing rural voting precincts beginning in 2020.
Earlier this year, Meland stated that there had been problems prior to previous elections with maintaining polling sites and staffing them.
In 2016 at the rural Stutsman County sites, Pingree reported 191 voters, Kensal had 145, and Medina saw 395 voters. Those numbers were even lower in 2018.
Meland informed the commission that she had reached out to the Secretary of the State’s office in regards to possibly taking staff and holding early voting on a Saturday in some rural sites.
Meland said the alternative would be looking for workers again and if that doesn’t work, she’s left with pulling staff and shutting down the courthouse for that day.
Meland informed the commission that she’ll create a list for the next meeting for a decision to be made on the voting precincts.
A decision could be made at the next Stutsman County Commission meeting.