VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Here are the results from the 2019 St. Catherine School Fall Auction in Valley City.
Co-event coordinator Dawn Ihry said. “Taco bout” being thrilled” More than $81,000 was raised from the event. She said a number of factors helped contribute including raffle tickets, bake sale and KC’s breakfast.
Ihry thanked the businesses and individuals who donated items to sell at the auction and their support through cash donations. She said thanks to the parents, teachers, staff members and friends of the school who volunteered their time and money to make this auction a success. “We are extremely grateful and very Blessed.”
Ihry said $60,000 of the funds will go to the school budget with another $10,000 for Tuition Assistance. She said the remaining dollars will buy computers and help with maintenance of the school building.
Mark your calendar, the 48th Annual St. Catherine’s School Fall Auction will be held on Friday, November 6th in 2020.