FARGO, N.D. (FFA) – The North Dakota FFA Foundation has given 25 $350-$500 mini-grants to educators, teachers, and organizations to promote agriculture in North Dakota classrooms.
The mini-grants were made possible through a grant received by the ND FFA Foundation from the North Dakota Department of Agriculture. The program, called Ag in the Classroom, was designed to bring agriculture to all types of K-12 classrooms and learning environments. 2019 marks the 16th consecutive year the ND FFA Foundation has been able to provide these grants.
To encourage the continuation of programming, curriculum and lesson planning, the ND FFA Foundation will provide these mini-grants through two separate academic years. $12,000 has been awarded for the academic year of 2019-2020 to the following recipients:
Anna Kemmer
SRCTC – Oakes
Bailey Hawbaker
Stanley FFA
Breanna Bregel
Cameron Young
Edgeley Public School
Carie Moore
ND Agri-Women
Daniel Spellerberg
SRCTC – Oakes
David Leier
Killdeer FFA
Desi Severance
Wyndmere Ag Ed
Donna Anderson
Eddy/Foster/Wells County Ext.
Elizabeth Neshem
ND Stockmen’s Association
Gabes Kieffer
May-Port CG
Goldie Loepp
SRCTC – Oakes
Heather Riemer
Garrison High School
Johnna Varty
Berthold FFA
Kevin Baumgarn
Lakota Public School
Kristi Tonnessen
Rugby High School
Lori Helm
Marita Rau
Finley-Sharon Public School
Misty Steeke
Scranton FFA
Nikki Fideldy-Doll
Center FFA
Shaundra Ziemann-Bolinske
NDSU Extension-Burleigh County
Wiliam Fritz
“We had fantastic applicants this year and it was great to be able to learn about what they plan to do with the mini-grants,” says Tommy Winders, newly hired Sponsor & Program Coordinator for the Foundation. “We feel very fortunate to be able to provide these funds and are excited to see the opportunities for Agriculture education that will come from these grants.”
Applications will also be available in September of 2020 for this year’s recipients and others to apply for new or additional funding for the 2020-2021 academic year.