
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – The Jamestown Regional Entreprenuer Center (JREC) will be bringing in Patrick Metzger to present his information regarding business focus and staying on track.

Metzger is a high performance coach and speaker for the Entrepreneurial Operation System (EOS) and will bring his system of concepts and tools to an open workshop through the JREC on Thursday, November 21st.

Metzger teaches a company or business for a year or so and develops a system that employees and the employer can use on their own.

He says it’s applicable to any type of business that feels they’ve reached a ceiling or slowing growth and wants to reach a higher level.

Metzger says EOS helps strengthen six key components that help a company scale and grow, increase profits and develop better communication, control and balance.

Metzger will be bringing his information to a free workshop open to the public on Thursday, November 21st from 6:30 PM to 8 PM in the US Building on the University of Jamestown Campus.

Click here for more information.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Patrick Metzger below: