BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The North Dakota County Auditors Association has launched a contest for fourth grade students to design a new “I Voted” sticker for use in the 2020 Election and into the future. The value of this project is that it raises awareness on the importance of elections and the role counties play in elections. In addition, it provides a new updated sticker for voters to receive on Election Day.
North Dakota County Auditors will be reaching out to schools across the state in an effort to engage fourth grade classrooms and encourage student participation. The student can create a color design using the form distributed to schools or found directly here: ndaco.org/sticker-contest The design must include the words: “I Voted” and the design must fit in the oval on the form.
Entries can be provided to the county auditor or emailed directly to: contest@ndaco.org by December 20, 2019. County Auditors will select one submission from their county to forward onto the statewide competition. The winning design will be announced in April 2020 during County Government month. The “I Voted Sticker” will be used starting in the June 2020 election.
Soliciting the help of fourth graders is a perfect fit for the project. Fourth graders across the state have a North Dakota Studies unit, which includes the right and responsibility of citizens over the age of 18 to vote in elections. This contest provides a perfect opportunity for county auditors and teachers to work together to get kids interested in voting and educated on the election process.
4th Grade “I Voted” Sticker Contest Guidelines:
Who is eligible: All North Dakota 4th Graders
Form available: Pick up forms from your county auditor, school or
download online: ndaco.org/sticker-contest
Sticker Requirement: Must include words “I Voted”
Submit entry: Your County Auditors Office or email to: contest@ndaco.org
Deadline: December 20, 2019.
Story submitted to NewsDakota.com