The Department of Agriculture Monday announced it will begin mailing ballots on November 4 to eligible farmers and ranchers across the country for the Farm Service Agency county committee elections. Each committee has three to 11 elected members who serve three-year terms of office. One-third of county committee seats are up for election each year. Newly elected committee members will take office January 1, 2020. To be counted, ballots must be returned to the local FSA county office or postmarked by December 2. FSA Administrator Richard Fordyce says the members “play a key role in our efforts to provide assistance to producers.” Producers must participate or cooperate in an FSA program to be eligible to vote in the county committee election. Farmers can find out if their local administrative area is up for election and if they are eligible to vote by contacting their local FSA county office. Eligible voters who did not receive a ballot in the mail can pick one up at their local FSA county office. Visit fsa.usda.gov for more information.