JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Behavioral Health Coalition was formed to provide a safer alternative for teens in the area.
Made up of around 10 members, the coalition includes staff from the South Central Human Service Center and Central Valley Health.
The group is attempting to hold an event every other month for teens ages 13 to 18.
Coalition member Rachel Finch says the event will focus on their primary goal of giving kids a safer alternative to something else on the weekend.
She says their events are free to remove that barrier for some teens.
Alyssa Dewald says the event will feature food, drinks, prizes, dancing, music and a haunted hallway. Finch described the goal for teens who go through that part of the event.
Those who attend the event are encouraged to wear a halloween costume. The event runs from 8 PM to 11 PM at the Jamestown Knights of Columbus.
You can visit the Jamestown Behavioral Health Coalition Facebook page for more information.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It on the event below: