JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Service clubs, organizations, church groups, and businesses came together Saturday morning for the 9th Annual Kiwanis Against Hunger food packaging event October 26th.
Kiwanis Against Hunger is a meal-packaging event that puts together cost-effective, nutritious meals that go to hungry families in North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota. In 8 years, more than 1 million meals have been packaged and sent to food pantries.
Tim Perkins, Kiwanis Against Hunger co-chair, says it’s amazing how many people come together each year for the event.
Perkins says events like this are only possible with support from others.
Bryson Corell with the Country Kids 4-H group was back and excited to help pack the meals to help other kids.
He shared what some of his duties were during the packaging.
Kiwanis Club Jamestown exceeded their fundraising goal, having raised more than $17,000 to package each meal at $.25 each. In the first 40 minutes, more than 12,000 meals had been assembled.
The club reports that 62,784 meals were packaged.
View some photos and video from the event below: