JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Nursing continues to be one of the most in-demand professions today.
According to Registered Nursing, that demand is expected to grow by 15% to 2026. North Dakota ranks #9 in the U.S. most in demand of nurses. Because of this, the University of Jamestown continues to grow their nursing program with technological advancements and opportunities.
Kim Ash is the Department Chair of the Nursing Program at the University. She says one of the key components to teaching their students is the simulation lab.
Ash says they are then able to give students experience that they might not be able to guarantee in a clinical setting.
“They can make mistakes there in a safe place and watch video footage of themselves to improve,” Ash added.
Ash says they are fortunate to be in the Jamestown community for all the clinical experience they can provide locally.
Ash added that for mental health clinicals, they would set students up at the North Dakota State Hospital.
Nursing students are also given the opportunity to expand their horizons during a preceptorship either stateside or in Africa.
If you’re interested in learning more about the nursing program at the University of Jamestown, click here. You can also contact the University to tour their simulation lab.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Kim Ash below: