Neither the biofuels industry nor the oil industry seems happy with the latest Renewable Fuel Standard proposal to address waived biofuels. The Environmental Protection Agency released its supplemental rule proposal this week, directing the EPA to use a three-year average to determine waived volumes to be reallocated, based on recommendations from the Department of Energy. Biofuels groups charge the proposal provides a loophole, as the EPA has previously ignored similar Energy Department recommendations. National Corn Growers Association President Kevin Ross says the proposal “fails to provide the assurance needed that EPA’s practices for granting waivers will change going forward.” Meanwhile, the American Petroleum Institute released a statement following the announcement, alleging the Trump administration, once again, decided to “play politics with our fuel system.” API says the proposal includes “misguided reallocation of volumes,” that will “punish oil companies to comply with the RFS.” API adds that “If this arbitrary policy was conceived to help farmers, it provides no immediate relief.”