JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Stutsman County Emergency Manager & 911 Coordinator Jerry Bergquist received the North Dakota Association of Counties annual award for Excellence in County Government for a county official.
Bergquist was nominated by Stutsman County after he received nine letters of recommendation for the award. Bergquist was officially recognized by the North Dakota Association of Counties (NDACo) on October 6th in Bismarck.
“During his 30 years [as emergency manager and 911 coordinator], he has coordinated emergency efforts for 17 Presidential disaster declarations, dealing primarily with flooding,” the NDACo states.
“Jerry is among the founding fathers of the North Dakota 911 Association and the North Dakota Emergency Management Association. He aided Stutsman County in establishing one of the first countywide 911 systems in the state.”
The Stutsman County Commission was proud that Bergquist was being recognized for his achievements and 30 years of work for the county.
“It is no exaggeration to say that Jerry’s hardwork and dedication to public service has saved not just property, but lives,” the county stated.
Other individuals recognized statewide include:
Commissioner: Bill Anderson, Sargent
County Employee: Clyde Thompson, Burleigh
Hall of Honor: Charlotte Sandvik, Cass
Dedicated Partner: Gerald VandeWalle, Supreme Court Chief Justice