
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The city of Jamestown met in regular session Monday, October 7th.

A public hearing on the 2020 budget was held, but no one from the audience spoke. Councilmember Steve Brubakken stated his disappointment in recent hiring’s for the city while they face increases in taxes.

Brubakken stated he wouldn’t vote against the budget, but wishes they would have taken time to consider the positions while working on the 2020 finances.

In other financial matters, the city approved several special assessments including paving improvements to 20th Street SW, Safe Routes to School Sidewalk project, and retaining wall Assessment at the Frontier Village.

Councilmember Dan Buchanan urged city residents to look at all the special assessments and millions of dollars the city shares were and consider that when protesting the city sales tax increase.

Earlier in the meeting, City Engineer Travis Dillman reported that Scherbenske Inc. had requested a time extension and increase in contract price for the ongoing water main replacement project.

Dillman says there’s been concerns of the project making the November 6th deadline, but would keep the city updated on any changes in schedule.