VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The lake level is high on Lake Ashtabula.
At the request of the Barnes County Sheriff’s office the Sheyenne River level was reduced to recover the vehicle of Mark Davies located in the river north of Kathryn, ND on Thursday, September 26th.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers granted the request and reduced outflows coming out of Baldhill Dam to 55 cubic feet per second to lower the river south of Valley City. Since then, USACE spokesman Scott Tichy said outflows have been ramped up to 2,200 cubic feet per second to reduce the level of Lake Ashtabula.
The lake level increased by a foot and a half causing property owners to get their boats, lifts and docks out of the way. In some cases, water covered docks and boat lifts and sent some water crafts drifting. Tichy said one thing worked against them this week as historic inflows into Lake Ashtabula reached more than 2,000 cubic feet per second.
Barnes County Sheriff Randy McClaflin wanted to thank the US Army Corps of Engineers and so many other agencies that helped in the recovery of the vehicle in the Sheyenne River on Thursday, September 26th.