JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Public Works Committee got the latest information on the proposed update on Lift 20 and Master Lift Station Improvements Thursday.
Daryl Hornbuckle with Interstate Engineering informed the committee that the lift station and master lift station were located near Cavendish Farms.
Hornbuckle reports that the lift station was constructed in 2003 and serves as the final lift station for the majority of wastewater collected in the city. He says erosion takes place due to the volatility of the wastewater flowing through the station.
Hornbuckle says the city has two choices to consider. This includes repairing and relining the main lift and lift station 20 and repairing the concrete to a smooth cementitious finish. They would also line the lift with a product to minimize concrete contact with the wastewater.
The second alternative would be to repair and reline the main lift and replace life station 20. Hornbuckle says both options each have their own pros and cons and minimal long term impacts on the environment.
The city will be seeking public input and will take all information into consideration before their decision on October 7th.
In other public works committee news, a request from AE2S for Stormwater Utility Amendment in the amount of $28,000 was tabled until the October meeting.
City Engineer Travis Dillman also informed the committee that they have considered the needs for the 2020 Water Main Improvement Project.
Dillman says they want to be proactive so they can save money in the long run. He says their preliminary map of improvement areas still has a chance to change.
The committee also tentatively set the date for a public input meeting on the Downtown Road Diet Project for November 5th at City Hall.