VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – There was a full house at the Barnes County Museum on Thursday, September 19th for a presentation by Nick Archuleta. The Valley City native, VCHS and VCSU graduate and now president of North Dakota United an organization created by the merger of the North Dakota Education Association (NDEA) and the North Dakota Public Employees Association (NDPEA) in 2013.
President Archuleta spoke on “Choosing to Participate – Social Justice is Not a Spectator Sport”. The event was also the opening of the Smithsonian Poster Exhibit, “Choosing to Participate”. The posters present the experiences of individuals and communities, explore the history and impact of racism and prejudice, and encourage viewers to consider the consequences of everyday choices to discover how “little things are big” and to make a difference in their own communities.
The exhibit is on display now and through the month of October at the Barnes County Museum in downtown Valley City. It will later be available, upon request, to schools or churches who also might like to display it. The event was sponsored by “What In the World Is Going On? a campus-community group jointly sponsored by VCSU’s Departments of Science and Social Science.