NEW YORK, NY (NewsDakota.com) – The story of a woman born in Rwanda, Africa and a survivor of a genocide war has an amazing testimonial of her faith in God. With the exception of a brother the rest of her family died.
A local pastor hid her and other women in a bathroom for 91 days. When she emerged she weighed 65 pounds and was told her family, friends and neighbors were massacred. Immaculee Ilibagiza talked to reporter Steve Urness about her horrific experience in Africa.
After the genocide, she came face to face with the man who killed her mother and one of her brothers. Thanks to her faith she said she was able to forgive him. The story of Immaculee will become a major motion picture in 2020.
Immaculee will be in Valley City talking about her ordeal at St. Catherine’s Church on October 4th and 5th. There is a fee for this presentation. Call the parish office for more details at 845-0354.
You can listen to Voice of the Valley with Steve Urness & Immaculee Ilibagiza below: