JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Residents within the Jamestown Public School District, both urban and rural, are encouraged to cast their vote on the special school referendum today.
From 7 AM to 7 PM today in the Jamestown Middle School’s Community Room, residents will be asked to vote yes or no on the referendum. If approved, the referendum would give authority to increase the building fund levy from 10 mills to 20 mills as needed. Extra funding would be used to address the roughly $21.8 million of facility needs to all district schools.
Superintendent Dr. Rob Lech says the funds could only be used for building maintenance.
60% of the votes must be yes in order for the referendum to pass.
It’s estimated that if the referendum is successful, the impact on a $100,000 home would create a tax of around $45 annually or $3.75 month. Votes will be hand counted.