

Representatives from the Taiwan Flour Millers Association signed letters of intent to purchase wheat and other U.S.-grown commodities over the next two years.
The millers, who signed the letters last week in Washington, D.C., are part of a biennial Taiwan Agricultural Trade Goodwill Mission.
The wheat delegation first made stops in Oregon, Seattle, and Idaho before making the trip to D.C.
The letter states that the Taiwan Flour Millers Association intends to purchase a total of 1.8 million metric tons, or about 66.1 million bushels of U.S. wheat between 2020 and 2021.
The value of those purchases will be about $576 million.
U.S. Wheat Associates President Vince Peterson says:


“We’ve long had a mutually beneficial trade relationship with Taiwan’s milling and flour products industry.”

“U.S. wheat farmers pioneered the market more than 60 years ago by meeting with members of the developing flour milling industry.”


He says the members of the Taiwan Flour Millers continue to be reliable trading partners that fully recognize the value of purchasing quality U.S. grown wheat.

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