
Article by Jacob Just

JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Community Volunteer EMS of LaMoure is hosting a Stop the Bleed event on Saturday, September 28th with hopes to educate people how to prevent major loss of blood during a tragic event.

The White House began the Stop the Bleed event in 2015, following the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012. Kelli Just, EMT and Education Leader for the LaMoure EMS, says the statistics show that in the event of a tragedy, it is only a matter of minutes before someone bleeds out.

The training will include both classroom and hands-on activities, with the goal to better prepare individuals to assist before first responders arrive to a scene.

The training is being led by Dr. Mary Aaland, which Just spoke highly of.

The training will be held every 30 minutes beginning at 10AM on September 28th. The first 50 people to attend will receive at Stop the Bleed kit valued at $60, donated by AgCountry Farm Credit Services. The classes will be held at the LaMoure Emergency Response Center.

To register, call or text Kelli at 701-238-8410. If you are unable to attend the training, but would like to receive the training, contact Kelli to set up a separate training.