
Article by Katie Ryan-Anderson

JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com)  – With matching donations of up to $7,500, even a small donation can make a big difference. 

The Kiwanis Against Hunger meal-packaging event is set for 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 26. The club hopes to raise $15,000 and package 60,000 meals. Each meal costs 25 cents and includes rice, soy, dried vegetables and flavoring, said Tim Perkins, Kiwanis Against Hunger co-chair.

“For each quarter donated, we can fill two tummies,” he said. “There’s no better way to make a difference. Even a small donation can help a lot of people.”

In eight years, the 45 or so members of Jamestown Kiwanis have raised $276,000 and packed 1.2 million meals. 

“About one-third of North Dakota students rely on free and reduced lunches at school,” said Angela Martini, Kiwanis Against Hunger co-chair. “But what do they do on evenings and weekends? Kiwanis Against Hunger provides them with easy-to-make nutritious meals.”

This year, all meals stay in North Dakota and Moorhead, Minn. as part of the Great Plains Food Bank.

Martini said she’s grateful to the individuals who’ve made the $7,500 match possible.

“The generosity of this community is humbling,” she said.

Kiwanis is a service club dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time. New members are always welcome.

To get involved:

  • shop the Kiwanis Against Hunger Rummage Sale on Sept. 21 at the Stutsman County Fairgrounds Meland Building (in conjunction with the Stock Car races)
  • attend the Kiwanis Against Hunger Live Auction on Monday, Oct. 7 at The Arts Center

To donate:

  • visit gofundme.com/XXX
  • mail checks to 

Jamestown Kiwanis
PO Box 1426
Jamestown, ND 58402

  • drop off donations at First Community Credit Union

For information about Kiwanis Against Hunger or the Kiwanis Club of Jamestown, visit www.facebook.com/JamestownKiwanis, or email JamestownKiwanis@gmail.com.