VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Several Valley City State University alumni will be honored during the VCSU Alumni Association 2019 Homecoming celebration to be held Friday-Saturday, September 27- 28.
On Saturday, September 28th, the Alumni Honors Breakfast will be held at the VCSU Student Center cafeteria beginning at 8:30 a.m. The Honors Breakfast provides the VCSU Alumni Association with an opportunity to present fellow alumni with Certificate of Merit, Alumni Service, and Distinguished Alumni awards.
Six alumni will be honored with the Certificate of Merit Award, adopted by the VCSU Alumni Association to recognize alumni for accomplishments, service or other noteworthy honors. This year’s recipients include Galen Brantley, Soldotna, Alaska; Kevin Bratland, Enderlin, N.D.; David Griffin, Bismarck, N.D.; Scott King, Malta, Montana; Rhonda (Schneekloth) Nudell, Buffalo, N.D.; and Wayne Steiner, Wahpeton, N.D.
Alumni Service Award recipients include George Berger, Binford, N.D., and Teresa (Pritchard) and Todd Christiansen, Valley City. The Alumni Service Award was adopted by the VCSU Alumni Association to recognize alumni or university friends who have attained exceptional achievement in their careers and have made significant contributions to the university through dedicated service, promotion, financial support or other efforts.
The Distinguished Alumni Award was adopted by the VCSU Alumni Association to recognize alumni/alumnae who have achieved prominence in their chosen field of endeavor. The nominee must have received national or international recognition and must have been identified as an expert in the individual’s chosen field. This year Mel McNea, North Platte, Nebraska, will be recognized as the 61st recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award.
The public is invited to attend the all Alumni Honors Breakfast on Saturday, Sept 28. Tickets are $10 each and may be reserved by calling the VCSU Alumni Office at 701-845-7403 or by emailing kim.hesch@vcsu.edu.
The Valley City State University Alumni Association is sponsoring a number of additional events to celebrate Homecoming 2019.
Friday, September 27
Alumni “Welcome Back” ice cream social at 2:30 p.m. in the Student Center Lounge.
Saturday, September 28
Alumni Honors Breakfast (8:30 a.m.), VCSU Student Center cafeteria.
Homecoming Parade (10:30 a.m.) down Central Avenue in Valley City.
First Annual VCSU Alumni Motorcycle/Class Car Cruise following the parade. This fun run and cruise is open to anyone wanting to ride their motorcycle or drive their classic car. Stops include Ashtabula Crossing, Punky’s Bar (Dazey), and J&L’s Bar & Grill (Sanborn). There is a $20 entry fee. All proceeds raised will be donated to the V-500 Scholarship program. The first 75 participants will receive an official VCSU Homecoming bandana. To preregister, call 701-845-7203.
Viking Tailgating at Lokken Stadium starting at noon.
VCSU football with the Vikings hosting Dakota State University in the homecoming game. Kickoff is at 2 p.m. at Lokken Stadium.
Post game All Alumni & Friends Social following the football game at the Valley City Eagles Club.
For more information about Valley City State University’s Homecoming 2019 festivities, contact the VCSU Foundation and Alumni Office at 701-845-7203.