VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Trucks supplying fresh vegetables, bakery items and boxed goods will be in Valley City this Friday in the parking lot of Epworth United Methodist Church.
“The Pop-up Perishable Food Program fills a strong need and puts food directly into the hands of those that need it most,” Great Plains Food Bank Agency Relations Manager Andrea Block states. “This is all about convenience for the consumer. They know exactly when and where there will be fresh and nutritious food available. We want to make it as easy as we can for those who need help to be able to get it.”
The truck will be available from 11:30 AM to 1 PM at 680 8th Avenue Southwest in Valley City.
The distribution will be a drive-through, where clients will be able to stay in their vehicles and those who walk will be helped accordingly.
As part of the Great Plains Food Bank Pop-up Perishable Food Program, anyone in need of food assistance is welcome to attend and receive food at no cost.
You can contact Andrea Block at 701-476-9128 for more information.