
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown School District residents are being asked to return to the polls for the third time on September 24th to cast their vote on the Jamestown Public School District referendum.

Following the failed referendums in 2015 and 2018, Superintendent Dr. Robert Lech says they went back and looked at what the residents wanted for the school district that also met the needs of the schools.

Currently, the district’s building fund allows the school to levy for 10 mills to support their facilities. Dr. Lech says expansion of the building fund has been determined to be the most effective opportunity to address immediate issues, while also being flexible for any future facility planning.

Lech says of that $21.8 million in maintenance issues within the school district, a majority of that need will be for building repairs estimated at $13.1 million and roofs at around $5.5 million.

Dr. Lech says the funds the increased mills will generate will only be used for building maintenance and no expansions or new buildings or facilities.

It’s estimated that if the referendum is successful, the impact on a $100,000 home would create a tax of around $45 annually or $3.75 month.

The special vote will be held in the Thompson Community Room at the Jamestown Middle School at 203 2nd Avenue SE on September 24th. Voting will be from 7 AM to 7 PM.

Absentee Voting Applications are available until September 23rd and can be found at the District Office.

For more information on the referendum or the ongoing social media campaign, visit jamestown.k12.nd.us or contact Dr. Rob Lech at Robert.Lech@k12.nd.us or call 701-252-1950.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Dr. Rob Lech below: