ELLENDALE, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The 20th Annual Ellendale Applefest was held Saturday, September 14th.
Put on by the Ellendale Chamber of Commerce, the day featured a variety of things to do and see including the road race, pancake feed fundraiser for 4-H Shooting Sports, pedal pull, parade, Little Mr. & Mrs. Ellendale, and more.
Chamber of Commerce member Don Flaherty says they had a full slate of family friendly activities for everyone.
Sporting the title of “Mr. Apple”, Flaherty interviewed several people and their participation in the community day.
A big pancake feed was held by the 4-H Shooting Sports club. Travis Anliker had more information on their fundraiser.
The road race also brings a lot of participants out. Pete Sekora stated that it was a great way to kick-off Applefest.
The Coleman Museum was also opened as well as the Opera House for an Art Exhibit.
Below are some photos from the event