VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Valley City Green Dot, a violence prevention program, will be hosting a Bystander Training Session on Tuesday, September 17 at 8am at Regional Technology Center on Winter Show Road in Valley City.
The Valley City Green Dot training allows adults to walk through everyday scenarios, to gain and practice skills to address those scenarios, and to work together to end violence in our community. A light breakfast will be served. Please RSVP via Facebook or VCGreenDot@gmail.com if you would like to attend.
Valley City Green Dot, through the North Dakota Dept of Health and a grant from the Center for Disease Control, is a violence prevention program. Green Dot seeks to engage all members of the community as bystanders who can identify behaviors that lead to harm (red dots) and respond in a way that will make it less likely the harm occurs or gets worse (green dots). It focuses on the actions everyone can take on a daily basis to set a new norm that violence is not tolerated, and everyone is expected to do their part in contributing to a safer community.
Green Dot coordinating agencies recruit a diverse team of community members that may include non-profit organizations, business leaders, and influential community members to attend a four-day certification training. Local community team members then coordinate single day trainings to teach bystander intervention skills and promote new community norms through social marketing and events.
To learn more about Valley City Green Dot and to find out how you can support violence prevention efforts, find them on social media @VCGreenDot or contact coordinators, Kristin Petersen and Sharayah Robinson, at (701) 840-8547 or VCGreenDot@gmail.com.