BUFFALO, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The annual Dinner in the Valley evening was created as an educational event for community members to ask farmers and ranchers questions about the important role production agriculture plays in the state. The 3rd annual event was held at the Sheyenne Riverbend Farm gathering center south of Valley City on September 9th.
One of the participants was Rod Hogen of Red Trail Vineyards of Buffalo, ND. He said the bitterly cold temperatures were tough on one of their grape varieties last winter but they’ve replanted the vines. He said Red Trail Vineyards has about 25-hundred vines of 12 different varieties. He gave us this update about the popular vineyard in Cass County, ND during the Dinner in the Valley event.
Red Trail Vineyard is named after the historical Old Red Trail one of the first established trails guiding settlers through Dakota Territory. Native American artifacts found along the Old Red Trail are on display in their tasting room.
For more information about their tasting room, tours and meal packages go to their website redtrailvineyards.com or call them at 701-238-3337.