VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Valley City Public Schools Superintendent Josh Johnson said safety is a priority when it come to students and transportation.
He continues to remind students and parents about how street improvement projects will impact the school district over the next few weeks. Johnson said an increased number of supervisors in the student pickup/drop off areas have been added.
Vehicles are unable to drive south on Central Avenue between the entrance to Hanna Field to the intersection of 9th Street.
One of the Jefferson elementary parent said she thought the morning drop off of students was going fine but said the pickup in the Hanna Field parking lot was a bit trickery for some parents and guardians.
Johnson said after the Labor Day weekend, the second phase of this street project will begin and completely close the road between the entrance of Hanna Field and 12th Street. No Vehicles will be able to travel in this area until the project is completed.
Buses will drop off and pickup students in the newly created “Bus Only” zone on 12th Street in front of Jefferson Elementary School.
Student drop off/pickup by vehicle will occur in the Hanna Field parking lot for Jefferson students. He added, please know that we will NOT be able to provide a drive loop for picking up students at the sidewalk due to the number of vehicles in the Hanna Field parking lot and in an effort to keep our students safe.