National Farmers Union President Roger Johnson says he’s concerned that billions of dollars in trade aid could have a negative impact on the next farm bill.
He says the aid monies the Trump Administration is sending to farmers could undermine political support for the next farm bill.
Johnson says it’s important to note that the $16 billion in aid promised to farmers this year exceeds total spending on Title 1 farm programs in a year.
Politico says it’s a part of sweeping legislation that already has somewhat tenuous support as political power shifts away from rural voters.
Congress also relaxed payment limits for the trade aid program, making it easier for millionaires to qualify.
Johnson says:
“That’s a dangerous thing. I think a lot of urban congressmen and women are going to look at this and say, ‘there was a lot of damage done in my state in this industry or that industry as a result of the trade disruption – none of them got a nickel in trade help.’”