JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JRMC) – Tea, treats and sweets can help save a life.
The Jamestown Regional Medical Center Auxiliary’s Tea for All Seasons is set for 2 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10.
The afternoon includes sandwiches, tea and sweets. The event will also feature the Jamestown Quilters Display, JRMC Gift Shoppe Style Show and a silent auction. Tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased from any JRMC Auxiliary member, at the JRMC Gift Shoppe or the day of the event.
This year marks the 16th anniversary of the event. In 2018, Tea for All Seasons raised about $2,200. All proceeds benefit JRMC Family BirthPlace equipment.
JRMC Volunteer Coordinator Mary Engels invites all to attend the event and that hats, dresses and tea-time attire is fun, but optional.
“Each year, Tea for All Seasons continues to grow,” shared JRMC Auxiliary member Eunice Sahr. “It is great to see the fellowship of the variety of people who attend.”
The JRMC Auxiliary consists of more than 40 volunteers and meets the first Monday of each month. If interested in volunteer opportunities, call (701) 952-4809 or e-mail volunteer@jrmcnd.com.