JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Great Plains Housing Authority is hosting the Vital Services 2019 Conference September 17-19, 2019.
The Vital Services 2019 conference is bringing in federal and state experts to educate and collaborate on housing, social services, human services, public health, environmental health, and other vital services to clients and professionals. Registration is free for attendees and vendors.
On September 17, attendees will be able to hear from professionals about Healthy Homes Initiative, Lead Based Paint Training, UPCSV Inspections, Accessibility, and Radon/Mold trainings.
September 18, the conference will welcome HUD professionals to speak about accessibility and reasonable accommodations, HUD repositioning housing authorities, federal updates, homeless/housing in action (SAMSA grant, IAP, and 1915i) with keynote speakers from the National Low-Income Housing Coalition. A landlord training will educate landlords, property managers, owners, real estate agents and others on Fair Housing, Service Animal laws and regulations, Opening Doors-landlord mitigation fund, the Stop Overdose campaign and personal safety.
September 19, workforce professionals and clients can learn about various community- based services including Housing, Census, Human Services, Social Services, Homeless Coalition and Reporting, Veterans Services, 211 University, and Public Health.
Attendees can register to attend one day or all three days of this free conference.
Social activities will include a showing of the video HOME by the Human Family on Tuesday September 17 at The Arts Center. The Behavioral Health Fair partnership with the local behavioral health coalition and an outdoor concert featuring Post Traumatic Funk Syndrome will be at the Arts Park Wednesday September 18.
Great Plains Housing Authority is accepting registrations for attendees and for vendors online at vitalservices19.com