JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The City of Jamestown approved the project plans and tax abatement agreement for the University of Jamestown regarding UJ Place.
A special meeting was held Thursday to discuss the resolution and hear from the public regarding the project. Susan Roemmich of Jamestown stated her disapproval of the project.
University of Jamestown President Polly Peterson gave her response.
Peterson says at this time, there is a housing shortage and the need for the new building is evident. She says they are in a growing period and continue to compete against other Universities.
EPIC Companies Vice President of Development Blake Nybakken says efforts from local contractors and agencies are helping with the construction of the project. He says applying for the tax abatement will allow them to acquire some flex pace.
He says the top four floors of housing will receive the abatement if approved, but tax would still be applied to the businesses that locate on the lower level.
According to officials, they would not begin construction of UJ Place until the tax exemption was decided.
Councilmember Dan Buchanan stated that he opposed the TIF, pointing out that it would not be fair to the property owners that pay taxes and the city wouldn’t see any tax dollars for five years.
Buchanan pointed out he supports the project, but not the tax abatement.
Councilmember Steve Brubakken stated his disapproval of breaking ground on the project before having everything in place.
The council approved the tax abatement and project plan with Councilmember Dan Buchanan voting no.