JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Rob Lech informed the school board of a request from the Jamestown Parks & Recreation Department.
Dr. Lech pointed out that the request comes from the department to consider a $20,000 commitment to update seating at Jack Brown Stadium.
“In the past, the district has supported facility upgrades as the stadium is provided to the school district at no cost for high school baseball,” Dr. Lech stated in his report. “Most recently, the district committed $15,000 for the dugout upgrade.”
Director Doug Hogan states in his letter to Dr. Lech that they are planning to replace the first base bleachers and press box and are working with at $323,546 budget.
“The Park District has committed $145,000 for this project, which is scheduled to begin this fall with the demolition of the existing structure and new concrete,” Hogan reports.
Dr. Lech pointed out that due to existing needs throughout the district, and current 10 mill building fund, he recommended not making a financial commitment at this time.
“While I completely respect the needs of the Parks and Recreation and appreciate the collaboration that exists between Parks and Rec and JPS, the district should postpone any decision until the community is able to communicate their desires through the referendum. If the referendum is unsuccessful, it would be necessary for the district to prioritize those funds for projects that most impact the students at JPS,” Lech put in his report.
In other school news, Dr. Lech says they are working on informing patrons regarding the upcoming referendum. He says they’ll have a booth at the upcoming UJ Block Party. There is also a referendum quick hitter, which you can find by clicking here.
Schools begin August 22nd in Jamestown.