The National Corn Growers Association and American Soybean Association are jointly urging the Trump administration to support the Renewable Fuel Standard.
NCGA President Lynn Chrisp and ASA President Davie Stephens penned an editorial this week, urging Trump to uphold his commitment to America’s farmers and the RFS.
Since early 2018, the Environmental Protection Agency has granted 53 RFS waivers to big oil companies, “undermining the RFS and reducing corn and soybean demand.”
EPA has an additional 38 waiver petitions pending.
The two leaders say the waivers “have resulted in an estimated $2 billion in economic harm each year to the U.S. biodiesel industry.”
They allege the waivers run counter to President Trump’s much-touted support for America’s farmers and renewable fuels.
Additionally, Chrisp and Stephens say the disruptions in the renewable fuels market could not come at a worse time for agriculture, noting the complicated growing season and uncertainty in markets stemming from trade disputes.
The leaders call on Trump to order the EPA to “not undermine the RFS.”

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