Submitted by Lewis Legge: (NewsDakota.com) Valley City, ND:
The Triple Dog Dare is complete. The scores have been added and compiled proving that even us “Old Guys” win once in a while. This was the last organized competition this year but the club and range is still open every Tuesday evening. I personally will be turning my attention to the upcoming hunting season so there will be a hiatus in weekly trap reports. Thank you everyone for participating.
Triple Dog Dare Results:
Skeet: 70 Lewis Legge
5-Stand 50 Jeremy Olson
Trap 71 Todd Ingstad
Combined Triple Dog Dare score Championship goes to Lewis Legge with a combined score of 181.
Lewie’s Tip of the Week! “Don’t just park your shotgun in its case in the corner. It’s been working for you all summer. A wipe down and cleaning is in order!” Shoot Well!