VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Everyone is invited to attend the District 24 Democrat-NPL Summer Picnic on Sunday August 11 from 4:30 pm to 7 pm. It will be held at the Dacotah Pavillion in Chautauqua Park in Valley City.
Spokeswoman Sharon Buhr said one guest speaker will be District 44 Representative Karla Rose Hanson from Fargo. She along with District 24 Senator Larry Robinson will be sharing information about what happened in the last legislative session in Bismarck as well as updates on legislative work that has been going on in committees since then.
Another guest speaker will be North Dakota Democratic-Non Partisan League (NPL) chairperson Kylie Oversen.
Main dish, fruits and veggies, dessert and beverages will be provided. “The picnic is free and everyone interested is invited to attend,” states Justin Thoreson, chair of District 24 Democrats.