JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JAGST) – The Jamestown Area Grief Support Team (JAGST) is offering a grief support group for anyone who is grieving the loss of someone important to them, whether the loss is recent or from years past.
The group will meet once a week at 2:00 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 424 1st Ave S in Jamestown beginning on Thursday, August 8th and will run for 6 weeks.
In his book, Understanding Your Grief, internationally recognized expert in the field of loss and grief, Dr. Alan Wolfelt states, “You can benefit from a connectedness that comes from people who have also had a death in their lives. Support groups, where people come together and share the common bond of experience, can be invaluable in helping you and your grief and supporting your need to mourn long after the event of the death”
In our fast paced society, people who have had a significant loss are often expected to be ‘over it’ in a matter of a few weeks. They may even expect this of themselves. In reality, it may take years for someone to work through his or her grief. The support group experience allows individuals to express grief in their own unique way and on their own unique timetable.
The group is free of charge, however, participants are asked to register to ensure that enough materials are available. Participants should plan to attend all six sessions.
For more information, or to register, please call Charlotte at 701-952-9358 or Kathy 701-952-8001 or 701-659-8001.