JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Public Works Committee heard updates from both City Sanitation Foreman Roger Mayhew and Ralph Friebel with North Dakota Recycle Thursday evening.
Jamestown Mayor Dwaine Heinrich inquired about the ongoing move from the old recycling building to the new one. Friebel stated they should all be moved over by mid-August.
Friebel says they had been seeing a high amount of garbage in the recycling, but that’s gone down in the past few weeks.
In the garbage collection, Sanitation Foreman Roger Mayhew reports the the 4-day collection schedule is going well. He says the amount of trash collected increased substantially.
Mayhew says the move from alleyway collection to curbside only collection is going well and the amount of complaints has remained the same.