SPIRITWOOD, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Spiritwood will be looking to form an agreement with another firm for a development at the Spiritwood Energy Park after a decision was made to cancel an agreement with North Dakota Soybean Processors.
It was learned at a special Spiritwood Energy Park Association (SEPA) board meeting Wednesday that the board exercised its option to terminate a Key Terms Agreement with the processors for the previously planned soybean crushing plant.
In 2017, plans to build a $287 million soybean processing plant was announced by leaders of the Minnesota Soybean Processors (MnSP) and Governor Doug Burgum. The plant would have created 55 to 60 full time jobs and produced roughly 900,000 tons of soybean meal annually.
The SEPA Board also decided to approve a temporary exclusivity agreement with another firm for an unspecified project at the SEPA industrial park.
Corry Shevlin with the JSDC was unable to provide further details at this time.